
System Objects


This object is the main node of the system tree and includes all the main features and data that describe the project. All other objects, which represents the configurable services provided by the server, can be added to the project by right clicking on this node.

 Example of system graphical editor

Example of system graphical editor


Object Commands

Commands sent to the object and recallable from other objects:



ETS project

This object contains all KNX groups configured in the ETS software. It simplifies visualization and selection of these groups within the Configurator thanks to a tree displaying. Following properties are displayed in the grid below:


Internal Services

This service allows to define a list of actions to be performed by the server on user’s demand or depending on a specific setting. These actions can be specified by the installer directly in the Configurator or in the client application by the user.

This object can be linked to a Scene icon in the user interface, or used internally with the logic module, universal gateway and others.


Object commands

This object allows to control HVAC devices: an HVAC controller can control more than one device commanded using the same connection type.


This server service allows the user to program daily temporisations for a switch object. The server checks events planning so that values 1 and 0 is sent to the switch object at the preset time.


Every Thinknx server embeds a software VOIP telephony PBX. It is optimized for the VOIP functionalities between clients and door communication. This system object allows to configure the PBX (extensions, ring groups and door stations). For more information, please refer to our Voip PBX and Doorcom guide here.

Daily and weekly programs can be configured on the server using this object.


The Irrigation object allows to manage different zones of the irrigation system, each of them controlled by a different KNX group. These zones can be combined for creating different irrigation programs, directly in the client application.


This object allows the user to control a RGB lamp and create sequences of colors. The bus types supported are: KNX, Modbus, Philips Hue and ZWave.


This object is needed to configure SMTP server parameters to send email messages from the server (used to send alerts, reports etc.).


This object allows to configure Thinknx sensors (temperature, humidity, luminosity) available on other servers such as the Envision, in addition to configuring different types of Inputs/Outputs found for example on the new Compact_20, as well as the Envision_20.


This server service allows to start a web server to control the plant from the web, for the command of the object.

 Web UI Interface Example 1

Web UI Interface Example

Web UI Interface Example 2

Web UI Interface Example 2


This object is particularly useful to configure a list of actions that can simulate the presence of people even if the house is empty (f.e. turning lights on, starting the audio system etc.).


This object calculates sunrise, sunset, elevation, and azimuth using the geographic coordinates set in the system properties within the Thinknx configurator project. . For example, using sun elevation and azimuth values the user can create thresholds or ranges to automate rollers and blinds controls. Another powerful feature of this object consists of firing sun position related events and for each event the user can associate a command and specify a time period to anticipate or posticipate the command performed (for example, 20 minutes before sunset or 10 minutes after noon). It's possible to associate a calendar of religious events such as the Muslim one, and based on the type, it's possible to send commands for each type of event, as well as write the next prayer time on the bus.



This object allows you to create an energy management system by gathering production information from inverters like SMA, Fronius, or SolarEdge, or from buses like Modbus or KNX. It can generate reports and graphs. Additionally, it offers the possibility of adding storage batteries and consumption analyzers from KNX, Modbus, Eatron, or Shelly, enabling precise control and detailed graphing of energy loads.


This object is used to integrate the central alarm in the project; it allows the server to arm or disarm the central, to read partitions or sensor status and to singularly control them. All alarm panels integrated in the system provide the user with the same graphical effect. To learn more about the Alarm object, visit the Alarm dedicated page here.

The Thinknx Access Control object permits to enhance the level of automation and security of the home/building where it is applied. It can be adapted to sectors where long term expirations are required such as service and industry sectors, but also applies to the hospitality sector where credentials are usually short term, and remote management is required. For more information, check out the Access Control page here.


The ”Combination” object allows to perform logical operations (AND, OR, XOR) on the values coming from KNX groups and to send the result to another KNX group.


The ’Filter’ object allows to perform operations on the value of an input KNX group and to send the result with an optional delay to an output KNX group. To set up the ”Filter” object, select from the system tree and adjust the properties displayed in the grid below.


This object, given an input and two outputs, allows to choose, through a control bit, the output which the input value has to be assigned to.


This object, given n inputs and n outputs, selects an input with a 1 byte selector and sends it to an output chosen with a 1 byte selector.


This object allows to calculate weighted sums between the bit values of specific input KNX groups and to assign the result expressed in bytes to an output KNX group. Therefore, the output value is:

C = p1 . v1 + p2 . v2 + … + pk . vk


This object represents a collection of block diagrams which allows you to build complex logics with a graphical editor. For more informations please refer to the Logic Module section.


The ”Complex maths expressions” object represents a collection of logical and arithmetical operations that can be written to elaborate values coming from different KNX groups. It’s possible to write expressions for the calculation of sums, balances, means, absolute values and analogical values, such as temperature and consumption, coming from KNX commands.


This object represents a collection of values stored in the server and associated to a KNX group. Through these variables it is possible to store, for example, the results of mathematical or logical operations and make them available on KNX through a group address. It is possible to choose if the value will be stored on the server in a persistent way, which means that the value will be available also after the server reboot.


This object represents a service to store data coming from the plant on a cloud database. All these data will be accessible through the Chart interface object.

This objects works correctly only if the ThinKnxCloud service is enabled and configured!


This object represents a service for storing connection data from users or from the cloud. It categorizes them and checks actions on specific data related to system, KNX, or Modbus protocols.


Reports and Gateways

This object defines a values collection to be saved in the internal memory according to time intervals defined by the installer. This values are sent via mail and optionally organised in charts.


This object allows the server to control Philips Hue lamps. It is possible manage shades of white or all the colours in the spectrum from the configurator.


This server service reads the electrical energy consumption in a specific plant point from KNX group. Basing on thresholds previously set by the installer, the server can disconnect the load for a predetermined time interval or notify the user.


This object allows to communicate with Modbus devices when Thinknx server is used as a Modbus Master.

A Modbus Master is a device that handles the entire communication with one or more slaves, whilst the Slave is completely passive and just replies to polls/commands from the Master. A Modbus Slave cannot initiate communication, either to the Master or to other Slaves.

Do not confuse the concept of Master-Slave with Client-Server. While Master-Slave is explained from a Modbus perspective, the Client-Server is interpreted from a network perspective when using TCP media. A Modbus Master connecting to a a Modbus Slave is considered a “client” to the slave device which is the “server”.


It allows to communicate with Modbus slave devices when Thinknx server is used as Slave Gateway.


It allows the bidirectional connection of MyHome BTicino plants to KNX plants. Through easy-to-fit tables it is possible to set matching among the messages coming from the two systems. In order to be able to communicate with MyHome system, a MyHome Ethernet gateway is needed, similar to BT-F454 web server that supports the Open Web Net protocol.


It allows to integrate Z-Wave devices. Without any gateway, the result is a reliable and easy-to-use system with a bidirectional connection between Z-Wave and other standards such as KNX.

For a full list of all the compatible Z-wave devices with Thinknx server, visit our database.


This gateway allows to communicate with the Velux KLF200 interface to control the nodes and groups configured on it, whether directly or through the KNX bus.


Thinknx integration with iBezel. KNX groups can be associated with iBezel leds and movements.


This service allows the server to function as gateway, performing actions based on conditions defined by the installer on KNX groups. For each KNX value three conditions can be applied so that three different actions can be defined.


This service allows the server to send messages using the external service Skebby. SMS can be used to send notifications, alerts, etc.


This object allows bidirectional connection of Lutron plants to KNX plants. The integration allows to associate KNX groups to Lutron lights, making the devices in the Lutron plant controllable from KNX buttons or supervision.


This object represents the interface between ThinKnx system and a third-party device connected through serial port. It makes possible to send commands through the serial port to the device.


This object is a server service that allows to send HTTP GET/POST/PUT requests and strings on TCP or UDP sockets. The command can be linked to a Generic Command for example or used inside a logic.


Serial interface available in the new meters in the Netherlands.


This object allows you to control the house by sending voice commands to your voice enabled device, whether it was via Siri (Apple Homekit), Alexa (Amazon Echo) or Google Assistant. For more information please refer to the Voice Control Gateway section.


This object allows you to connect with IFTTT service to create automated tasks between a wide array of apps, services, and devices. For more information please refer to the IFTTT section.


The Tester object allows to perform some tests (e.g. ping) and send commands to the plant depending on the result of the test.


This object is different from the Weather Plugin available for the UI. While The Weather Plugin is an Interface object that reads the weather information from and cannot be customized, the OpenWeatherMap is a System object connected to and provides weather information that can be linked to any customized UI built by the integrator.

This object connects to servers to retrieve weather information. You need to subscribe to the One Call API 3.0 on openweather website to access this object.


This object allows the Thinknx server to function as an MQTT broker. For more information, please visit our detailed guide on MQTT integration.

This object allows the Thinknx server to act as an MQTT client to read or publish information from/to other MQTT clients. For more information, please visit our detailed guide on MQTT integration.


The FIAS Gateway allows integration of hotel management software via a specific protocol, enabling the definition of commands on rooms through events such as check-in, check-out, cleaning requests, and dirty room notifications, thus optimizing consumption. It is possible to set actions before check-in; for example, we can decide to heat a room only 1 hour before the customer's check-in instead of heating it constantly.



This object allows to interface a video matrix with the system through serial or tcp/ip.


This object allows to interface a video matrix with the system through serial or TCP/IP.


This object is required to interface video projectors using a serial.


This object allows to interface Home Theater plants using serial or tcp/ip.


This object represents the ThinKnx multiplayer integration, for control a Kodi application; it allows to associate a list of commands with interface objects.


This object represents the complete integration of Sonos systems in ThinKnx, it allows to control and receive feedbacks from Sonos players directly through network without creating more traffic on KNX. In this way, all the commands and feedbacks can be available on KNX only if the installer really need them.


This object allows to control an IR Transmitter device integrated into the LAN network. It can be interfaced with Ethernet, Ethernet PoE and Controller LAN devices.


  • system_objs.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/06 15:42
  • by francesco